Sunday, September 19, 2010

A new Start to the UFO Challenge

Well, the first 10 weeks of the UFO challenge actually went pretty well, but then I got sick and then I got side-tracked. Let me try and do a recap of what got done when and then I’ll take it from here:

About my UFO challenge - this week I finished a dress for Dorissa (cut out since last summer), pants for David, and a tunic for Isaac. So that puts me at 3 for week 1. However, I also started a nursing shirt for me and I found a matching purse to Dorissa's dress also cut-out, so that brings the total up to 62. But I'm still ahead. I finished 3 things and "only" added 2.

Week 2: The bad news - I started another project (possibly 2) and I found 2 more UFOs. So that brings the total to 66.
The good news: I did finish the nursing shirt and the object that I started. I decided Isaac needed linen blanket for the heat because swaddling helps, but it's really hot. Not much to cut a square and hem it but I'm counting it. So I'm now 5/66.

Week 3 Update (June 19): The good news: I didn't start any new projects and I didn't find any more UFOS. The bad news - I only finished one thing - Italian Ren Dress for Dorissa - needed the arm holes cut larger. 6/66. See picture.

Week 4: (June 26) Nothing

Week 5 (July 3): Finished the purse that was cut-out for Dorissa's halter dress. Good thing, too, since I cut the dress out last year and it would be a shame if she never got to wear them together. 7/66

Week 6 report (July 10). Zip, nada, zilch. Someone give me a swift kick in the pants.

Week 7 (July 17): One pair of pants repaired and returned to Gold Key. That's like a bonus because they've left my house! 8/66

Week 8: (July 24) Nothing complete. But here's my problem. This week, I sewed "Things that were green." First I put together some pants for David that had been cut out. But I like to hand sew the finishes so I put those aside. Then since green was already in the machine, I finished cutting out a dress for me - which I need 'cause I need some nursing garb. But I got to the gores and couldn't decide what to do. Then I had leftover fabric and I can cut a neck for a tunic for Isaac, but he won't fit into it for another year. So in the end, I have nothing. The pants for Dave are too short, but he says it won't matter because they'll be in boots. They just need the cuffs hand sewn, but I should use some hem binding to keep as much of the length as possible.

Week 9: (Aug 1) Pants for David and "almost" finished gift hood. Went to give it and it wasn't done after all. Losing motivation rapidly! 9/66

Week 10 (Aug 8): Nothing

Week 11 (Aug 15): Dorissa’s blue dress. New hem. 10/66

Week 12 (Aug 22): Nothing

Week 13 (Aug 29):  Nothing

Week 14: (Sept 5) Finished the first set of drawers for Anton at the Glass and Metal-Workers symposium.

Week 15: (Sept 12) Finished the second set of drawers for Anton during the week. (12/66), so I’m “only” 3 weeks/projects behind. Let’s see if I can somehow catch-up.


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