Week 19: What to do with this week’s UFO?
It was a hard fought battle but I’m determined not to fall further behind, so at the last minute, I wipped out this cyclas that had been cut out when Fernando was becoming Baron (1999 maybe?). I distinctly remember trying to plan a surprise party for David’s 40th birthday and stressing about the food. At the same time, Conna was tasked with clothing for Fernando (simple tunic and cyclas) and she was stressing about that. So we switched tasks. Well, I cut this cyclas out and it was huge on him, as I recall. But I had enough fabric that I decided it would be simpler to cut a whole new one out and give this one to a larger person. And now, 10 years later all I had to do was make a simple HEM on the neckline and it’s done. But I’m not sure what to do with it.
For week 19 that makes 17 projects complete. I’m not caught up, but I’m not falling further behind, so that’s good.
I’ve also decided that I need to add a de-cluttering component to my weekly UFOs. I think I thought I would spend a year finishing objects and then the next year de-cluttering but that could take too long. So last week was pretty good. I got rid of at least six suits/jackets. Now some of them we seconds to fit my larger post-partum self so they hadn’t been around that long, but now they are gone. And a few old suits no longer needed. A bunch of old sweatshirts went to a collection for the humane society and I got rid of some “granny panties” that make me feel like an old lady when I wear them. Why do I even have those? Also, I got rid of some old single socks and some waffle socks that I simply hate to wear. So, on the whole, a good week.
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